It was an interesting election  few years back.  That’s when California voters went to the polls and voted “yes” on Proposition 215.  It was called “The Compassionate Use Act.”  It allowed people who were knocking on death’s door the legal right to smoke a little pot to ease their pain.  After all, taking morphine might cause them to become addicted during their final days on this planet.

Californians…being sympathetic to those in pain, overwhelmingly approved Proposition 215.  Of course there was no organized opposition to the ballot measure.  Who in their right mind would want to prevent someone with terminal cancer from leaving this world in pain.

But a strange thing happened following that election.  Californians revealed that we live in a very sick state.  There are more sick people in this state per capita than any other state in the union.  It also revealed a new source of income for doctors.  You see, in order to legally get high on pot, a person has to have a note from a doctor.

Today, anyone with an abscessed tooth, a bad back, athletes foot, a headache, a hangnail or hemorrhoids can get a note from a doctor granting the “patient” permission to legally get high (as long as the “patient” can cough up the hundred bucks or so to pay the doctor.)  When it comes to renewing the permission slip, that’s another fifty bucks.

In a college town like Chico, California, that permission slip and it’s annual renewal has generated mucho bucks (under the table?)for local doctors (who apparently aren’t paid enough for heart transplants to make their yacht payments.)

Proposition 215 also opened up other avenues to generate revenue.  Advertising.  In this college town, the Chico News and Review is a weekly newspaper which carries advertisements for the “medicine” being sought by so many “patients.”  The “medicine”…with such names as Super Lemon Haze, Pineapple Skunk, Headband, and Crack.

Daily specials are also advertised with special “sales” except the word “sales” is never used.  It’s still against the law to sell marijuana. The terms to avoid such breaches of the law are “transactions” or “donations”.  For example, one such advertisement states “Greatly reduced.  Suggested donation $135 per ounce.”  Another offers $8 off any ‘transaction over $25.  And still another offers a free gram with any transaction.  Still another advertises a delivery service only.  How cool is that!

Yes, Proposition 215 changed everything, proving once and for all that Caliornia is not just the land of fruits and nuts.  It has become the land of pot heads.  It’s illegal to light up a Camel in public in so many places, but it’s okay to light up a joint (as long as you’ve got your permission slip.)




I’ve slugged this as Part II because I’ve already written my thoughts on the subject.  (Part I was published on February 12, 2010.  You can read it by checking the archives column on the right side of your screen.)  For those of you that don’t want to maneuver through the archives, let me just repeat the final paragraph from Part I:

If allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the military becomes the norm, I foresee a major exodus from the military followed by an immediate drop off of new volunteer recruits.  How then, do the services reach their enlistment goals each year?  The only solution will be a return to the draft.

So. here it is…eleven months later.  Where do we stand?  The democrats and even some Republicans are still hell-bent on opening up the military to homosexuals.  I would venture to say that the majority of those pushing the agenda have never served, didn’t want to ever serve, hold the military in contempt, and don’t give a damn about the results of their misguided agenda.

Results of troop surveys reveal that congressional repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will severely impact recruiting, retention, unit cohesion and morale.

In a recent hearing on the issue, Senator John McCain warned that hundreds of thousands of valuable soldiers could flee the military because of what homosexual activists are demanding.  He said “If 12.6 percent of the military left early, that translates into 254,600 men and women who would leave the military earlier than planned.  Do you think that’s a good idea to replace 265,600 troops in a time of war?”

Bob Maginnis, military analyst added “Twelve point six percent is just the people who said they WOULD leave.  If you add in the number who said they MIGHT leave, you get 23.7 percent.  That would be 528,000 when you count active duty and reserves.”  Those statements from those “in the know” underscore my prediction contained in Part 1 of a mass exodus from the military should the homosexual acvists get their way.

It would be wise to remember the words of Lt. Colonel Oliver North who said “No nation has ever had a better military than today’s all-volunteer U.S. Armed Forces.  The best trained, best equipped, most experienced.  But now, there are those who intend to put the capabilities of this extraordinary force and our nation’s security at risk–just to carry out a radical social exeriment.

Not By Fire – But By Ice

While hosting a radio talk show during the decade of the 90;s, I interviewed an author who had written a book entitled “Not By Fire, But By Ice.  I wish I could remember his name.  The book might still be available on Amazon.

The author was adamant that an ice age was coming.  At the time, the world was hearing all about global warmng and how we were all about to die fromthe heat, or die by drowning as the glaciers melted.  Yet here was an author who wrote words to the effect “hold on…wait a minute…you have it all wrong.  We’re gonna’ freeze to death.”

It was an amazing interview that went well beyond the usual  thirty minutes I allowed for guests.  That author got a full hour of the three-hour program.  I’ve never forgotten that interview because the topic was so unusual.  An impending ice age at the same time the world was being warned about global warming.

So, here we are as 2010 comes to a close and we’re being told 2010 was the hottest year on record.  That alone is an outright lie, but probably enough to give media reporters a story that’ll help sell newspapers.  Imagine my surprise while reading the Sunday Sun of London.  Let me just share with you this one paragraph:

   First the good news.  These bitter winters aren’t going to last forever.  The bad news is that they will go on for the next thirty years as we have entered a mini ice age.  So says author Gavin Cooke in his book “Frozen Britain’.  He began writing it in 2008 and it was published last year when experts were scratching their heads at the cause of the bitter winter of 2009/10 which brought England to a standstll.”

So, while the experts were scratching their head, the global warming zealots decided they’d better change the words.  Now they call it “climate change.”  How convenient is that?  The climate has changed since the beginning of time.  Oh, there are a few ‘Johnny-come-latelytypes that still subscribe to the term “global warming” but it’s a pretty hard theory to sell when it’s ten below zero.

Searching newspapes around the globe today, here are a few headlines I’ve underlined for the purpose of this article:

     London Daily Mail:  Christmas Threatened as Big Freeze Death Toll Rises.

     Florida Sun Sentinel:  Fort Lauderdale Breaks 169 year old cold record.

     AccuWeather:  Big Upcoming Snow Dump For East Coast.

     Deep Freeze Threatens Florida Strawberries.

     Bitter Cold Blast All the Way To Florida

     More Flooding, Crop Damage as Heavy Rains Again Hit Australia.

Now the question is, has any of this caused any of the global warming alarmists to change their views?  Absolutely!  According to the London Sun Sentinel, the names include international climatologist Mike Lockwood of Reading.  In 2007 he said the cyclical change in the sun’s energy was NOT responsible for climate change.  In April this year, writing in New Scientist magazine, he did a U-turn and said it was.

After a study, he and hs team concluded that recent cold British winters have coincided neatly with the biggest fall off in the sun’s activity for a century, contradicting the accepted theory that carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases are likely to warm our climate.

Will this new information put a stop to the global warming hoax?  Nope!  Why not?  There’s no money to be made by such an admission.